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Code of Conduct & Behaviours

It is the sole responsibility of all parents and guardians, to read and inform dancers of the following code of conduct.

Académie Extrava Danse Academy (EDA) developed a code of conduct intended to nurture the self-esteem and self-discipline of each individual. Through shared responsibility of families, students, and staff; EDA wants to maintain a safe and harmonious environment for learning dance. Together, we must strive to develop a positive atmosphere based upon respect for people, property, and community. We maintain high expectations for our students. As a result, students, teachers, employees, parents need to conduct themselves in a responsible manner, be kind, courteous, and respectful of the rights and property of others. 

Students, teachers, employees, and parents are responsible to each other for their conduct during training/ performing hours, and any and all activities hosted or attended by Académie Extrava Danse Academy. Our Code of Conduct promotes appropriate behavior and a series of realistic and effective responses to inappropriate behaviors. 


1. Respect at Académie Extrava Danse Academy 

Expectations include: 


  • Respect for Peers: Students, parents, teachers, and employees are expected to recognize the uniqueness of all individuals and to respect the rights of other students. 

  • Respect for Self: Students, are encouraged to gain self-awareness and self-confidence as they practice self-respect and self-control. 

  • Respect for Property: Students, parents, teachers, and employees are expected to show respect for school, community and private property. 

  • Respect of staff, teachers, and assistants

  • Respect of Parents, caregivers, and other pupils involved directly or indirectly to the dance community.

  • Parents and caregivers are expected to respect each other and act in an appropriate, and considerate fashion toward one another on studio premises and at any and all activities hosted or attended by EDA.  



2. Student Required Behaviors for success in their dance training 

Expectations include: 


  • Students are expected to attend all classes and be punctual. Absenteeism should only be for illness or unavoidable appointments or situations. 

  • Class Preparation and Participation: Students are expected to take an active part in learning by coming to class fully prepared to work with a positive and constructive mindset, and by participating in a co-operative manner.

  • Teachers will teach and train with the dancer’s safety as a priority. Constructive corrections, feedback, and guidance will be given to students in order to foster a growth mindset. 

  • Students must, therefore, maintain a growth mindset and are encouraged to think positively about themselves and their dance training. 






3. Harassment/Abuse 


According to the Canadian human rights commission; 

“Harassment is a form of discrimination. It includes any unwanted physical or verbal behavior that offends or humiliates you. Generally, harassment is a behavior that persists over time. Serious one-time incidents can also sometimes be considered harassment.


Harassment occurs when someone

  • makes unwelcome remarks or jokes about your race, religion, sex, age, disability or any other of the grounds of discrimination;

  • threatens or intimidates you because of your race, religion, sex, age, disability or any other of the grounds of discrimination;

  • makes unwelcome physical contact with you, such as touching, patting, or pinching.”




The harassment or abuse of any person within the studio will result in realistic and effective responses from the director or appropriate representative. Proven harassment may result in immediate removal from classes, the competitive team, or the studio.  

4. Addressing Bullying and harassment. 


Académie Extrava Danse Academy takes any bullying and harassment seriously and will make every attempt to address any claims of bullying using the following procedures to encourage dancers’ communication between one another, build, interpersonal problem-solving tools, and build confidence. 


When a bullying claim is made, EDA will follow these steps in the following order;

  1. Ask students to approach one another and positively/constructively communicate;

    1. What was said (“When you said___/When I overheard you say___”)

    2. How it made them feel (it made me feel_____)

    3. how it has affected them either in or out of the dance class. (I now feel ashamed/embarrassed/unmotivated/nervous to ___)

  2. Return to the teacher/director to quickly discuss how the communication between students went. 

  3. If unsuccessful, the teacher or director will positively and constructively discuss with and make every attempt to resolve the issues between students involved.

  4. If still unsuccessful, EDA will reach out to all parents of students involved via email ( to open a dialogue conducive to resolving any issues of bullying or harassment.

  5. If harassment or bullying persists and is proven with sufficient tangible proof, pupils who are caught harassing, in any form, could be subject to loss of privilege such (such as assisting, Competitive solo, duo, or trio, or group) and could face immediate expulsion.  


5. Rules at Academy Extrava Danse


- Photography of any kind by parents, guardians, or other students is prohibited without informed consent by all pupils or parents/ legal guardians of pupils being photographed. This is to ensure the security and privacy of individuals are respected.


- Unless otherwise decided by the teacher, all classes will take place in the appropriate studio and will be delivered behind closed doors to maintain the dancers' full attention and focus, and to minimize distractions and interruptions from outside.   


- All lengthy conversations or queries should be dealt with by contacting the studio administration via the appropriate points of contact ( or 613-446-5550). This is to assure classes stay on the preset schedule. 


- All communication regarding emotionally charged, or difficult situation should be made to the appropriate points of contact ( or 613-446-5550). For non-emergency queries, please allow 24 to 48 hours for a reply.


- When emotionally charged, or difficult situation arises, we suggest that a period of at least 24 hours be taken before contacting EDA administration/ director.   


6. Safe Studio environment 


The following witnessed situations can lead to suspension and/or expulsion from Academie Extrava Danse Academy. Suspensions can and will affect competitive examination, or performance attendance. The director or an appropriate representative of EDA reserves the right to make and enact any final decisions pertaining to a situation that can or would be considered harmful to the mental and physical safety of all families at EDA pertaining to any and all situations happening within the studio or activities hosted or attended by Académie Extrava Danse Academy. 

  • Uttering a threat to inflict serious bodily harm on another person; 

  • Swearing at a teacher, student, staff member, parent. or another member of the EDA community.

  • Confrontational, threatening, or intimidating behavior towards any individual on the EDA premises or during EDA activities, performances, or events.

  • Committing physical assault on another person that causes bodily harm requiring medical attention

  • Stealing or damaging the properties of others. (EDA is not responsible for the recovery, repair, or reimbursement of any lost/ stolen or damaged items, inside or outside of the studio) 


Helene Tassie 

Owner/ Artistic Director

Académie Extrava Danse Academy





*Version françaises à suivre

Tel: 613-446-5550


Location: 1595 Laurier St.

Rockland, ON  K4K 1C8


361 Main Street est 

Hawkesbury, ON, K6A 1A8

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© 2020 Extrava Danse Academie

Created by K. Gauthier

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